Our ADA Compliance Policy

ADA Policy for Salt Lake Fear Factory (aka Fear Factory)

Purpose: Fear Factory is housed in the historic Portland Cement Works, a building constructed in the 1800s, before the implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). While we strive to provide an accessible experience for all guests, certain areas of the attraction may not be fully accessible due to the historic nature and structural integrity of the building. This policy outlines our commitment to accessibility and safety for all guests.

1. General Access
Fear Factory is dedicated to providing an equitable experience for all guests. However, due to the historic structure of the building, not all areas can be made accessible without compromising the building's integrity.

Where possible, we have created an alternative accessible route. Please note that this route may not include all areas of the attraction.

2. Guests with Braces, Casts, and Crutches
Guests using braces, casts, or crutches are welcome at Fear Factory. However, due to the physical demands of the attraction, we recommend that guests with mobility impairments carefully consider whether participation is appropriate.

Guests must be able to navigate the attraction at the same average pace as other guests, without assistance from staff members, as our employees are not trained to provide physical support or carry guests through the attraction.

3. Alternative Experiences
Fear Factory offers alternative equitable experiences to guests with mobility impairments where possible. These alternatives may not be available on all days or during all hours of operation.

If alternative experiences are unavailable during your visit, a voucher will be offered for future use.

4. Wheelchair Access
Manual Wheelchairs: Manual wheelchairs are welcome in the accessible areas of the attraction. For safety reasons, employees are not permitted to push wheelchairs. We recommend that guests using manual wheelchairs be accompanied by someone who can assist them throughout the attraction.

Electric Wheelchairs: Due to safety concerns and the nature of the attraction's terrain, electric wheelchairs are not permitted inside the haunted attraction. Guests using electric wheelchairs will need to transfer to a manual wheelchair before entering. Upon request and availability, a complimentary transfer chair will be provided. The transfer chair has a seat that’s 18” wide and has a maximum weight limit of 250 lbs.

Staff Assistance: Please note that our employees are not trained in lifting or carrying techniques and cannot provide physical assistance. Guests requiring such assistance should plan to visit with a companion who can aid them as needed.

5. Service Animals
Service animals are welcome on the shuttle bus and in the outdoor areas, including merchandise, concessions, and photo-op sections of Fear Factory.

Due to the nature of the haunted attraction, which includes sudden jolts, loud noises, and actors jumping out, service animals are not allowed inside the haunted attraction itself. We recommend making appropriate arrangements for the care of your service animal while you are inside the attraction.

6. Pace and Flow
For safety reasons, once inside the haunted attraction, all guests must be able to keep pace with the group in front of them. Guests may not block or slow down other guests behind them. If necessary, guests may be pulled aside to allow other groups to pass and ensure a smooth flow through the attraction.

7. Ticketing and Vouchers
Guests with disabilities can purchase tickets online or at the ticket booth. If you require specific accommodations, please inform our ticketing staff at the time of purchase or contact us in advance at info@fearfactoryslc.com.

If alternative accessible experiences are unavailable during your visit, a voucher for a future visit will be provided to ensure you have the opportunity to enjoy Fear Factory fully at another time.

8. Contact Information
For any questions or requests regarding accessibility, please contact our guest services team:
Phone: 801-692-3327
Email: info@fearfactoryslc.com

9. Updates to Policy
This policy is reviewed regularly and updated as needed to ensure compliance with ADA requirements and to improve the guest experience.

Last Updated: August 24, 2024


Find us here: 666 W 800 S
Salt Lake City

Fear Factory is Salt Lake City's top-rated haunted attraction as featured on the Travel Channel.

Fear Factory is one of the top Halloween attractions in the world, made up of 6 buildings, up to 6 stories high, with 2 underground passages, and is a massive haunted attraction in Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. With awards ranking them as #3 in the world (buzzfeed.com), and top 10 in the US (USA Today & Travel Channel) Fear Factory has quickly grown to be one of Utah's - and the world's - favorite Halloween entertainment attractions.